This dude simulated 1.8 million Pokemon battles

Prepare for 7-star Poison-Tera Swampert

Welcome back to the Victory Road, where we keep things spicy even when the the news is dryer than a Sandshrew’s armpit. This spring has been slower than a frozen Grimer but I, the intrepid and enterprising Cooltrainer Ace vow to keep you entertained and informed.

This week’s rundown (estimated read time 5 minutes):

  • Swampert arrives in 7-star Tera Raids

  • Cooltrainer Chronicles Part 13

  • An exciting surprise in Card of the Week

  • The dude who simulated 1.8 million Pokémon battles

Mightiest Mark Poison-Tera Swampert

The Mud Fish Pokémon will appear in 7-star Tera Raids beginning today (May 30), at 5 p.m. PDT to Sunday, June 2, at 4:59 p.m. PDT, then again Thursday, June 6, at 5 p.m. PDT to Sunday, June 9, at 4:59 p.m. PDT.

That’s it. That’s your Pokémon news for the week.

I saw an awesome image earlier this week predicting that the Legends ZA starters would be 3 starters than haven’t been featured in 7-star Tera Raids yet. I can’t recall the entire list and can’t find the post but it would mean that the water starter is Feraligatr by this logic.

Fun fact: Did you know Feraligatr is spelled without an o because of the character limits in Gen 2 names? (10 letters is the max)

The Cooltrainer Chronicles, pt. 13

“Sure,” I said with a shrug. With one arm still carefully wrapped around Nigel, I reach down and unclipped his Poke Ball from my belt. “Why don’t you go chill for a little while, dude?”

Nigel disappeared in a flash of red light and Professor Basho smiled at me. “All set?”

“Elaine, there are still several important matters–”

“That will keep for an hour or so,” Basho said. “I’ll catch up with you both later. This little tour will let me stretch my legs and get some sunshine. We spend too much time in meeting rooms.”

The older dude with the spiky gray mustache grumbled. The other guy with the shoulder-length black hair laughed and put a hand on his broad shoulder. “Come on Carlos, let’s go grab a coffee. Elaine’s right. We could all use a break.”

Professor Basho extended a hand to the open doors I’d run through while chasing Nigel. “Let’s walk across the grounds. I’d like to show you some of the training fields.”

The professor’s determined strides took me by surprise and I hustled to keep up as she pointed here and there, mentioning things like the cafeteria, dormitories and classrooms. 

“This will be our first full semester here at Indigo Academy,” Basho said without slowing her pace. “Enrollment isn’t high but we’re convinced attendance will shoot up once students and parents see what a premiere school we’re running.”

In between touting the scholastic architecture, she asked about me. I kept things brief, admitting with a little embarrassment that I’d just saved enough money to start my own Pokemon journey.

Thankfully, before she could ask about my parents and childhood, we turned the corner of a building and the training fields came into view.

Featuring fresh-cut grass and fine sand, none of them looked like they’d ever seen so much as a Pidgey’s Gust. White lines marked out the standard boxes for trainer and boundaries.

“Indigo Academy isn’t just classrooms and tablets,” the professor continued. “Our goal is to raise the next generation of professional, competitive Pokemon trainers. Young adults who can compete on a global level, not just in the Indigo League.”

“It’s a pretty cool place,” I said, unsure where this was going.

“You’re wondering why you should care about any of this,” Basho said. It wasn’t a question.

I nodded.

“The Academy Board doesn’t understand this, but people don’t send their kids off to another region to go to an expensive school just because it's brand new and fancy. Places like Naranja Academy have hundreds of years of history and tradition. If we’re ever going to compete with them, Indigo Academy needs to make a name for itself. To do that, we need trainers that can compete with the other schools.”

The professor peered at me over the top of her horn-rimmed glasses and I felt like a Pokemon getting analyzed by a Rotom PokeDex.

“I’ve just met you, Ace, but you seem like the sort of young man who knows how to work hard. What would you say if I offered you a scholarship for the fall semester here at Indigo Academy?”

Card of the Week

We’re breaking the rules today and for the first time in the history of Victory Road, showcasing some amazing art that isn’t actually a card! The talented artist is Thowra.

Random encounters around the internet

  • This mad lad simulated 1,810,053 battles to determine the strongest Pokémon OF ALL TIME:

  • June Pokémon GO Community Day dates:

    • Goomy: Sunday, June 9, from 2-5 p.m. local time

    • Cyndaquil: Saturday, June 22, from 2-5 p.m. local time

  • Guess who can legally drink now? Pokémon Box: Ruby & Sapphire officially turn 21 today (launched May 30, 2003 in Japan).

Obscure Pokémon Fact (from u/Mx_Toniy_4869)

Until next time,
Cooltrainer “announcements in June?” Ace