Surfing to Cinnabar

I'm heading to the land of Missingno

Howdy Cooltrainer and welcome back to the Victory Road!

You caught me on the way out of my dungeon home, heading for warmer climes and chiller times. I’m taking a little summer break from my beloved damp, dark caverns to soak up the sun and sand on Cinnabar Island.

I’ll be back in touch with regular emails beginning Thursday, July 11. Until then, I can be found sitting in a beach chair, scanning the waves for any sign of Surfing Pikachus or Missingno.

Enjoy your summer and stay cool!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out the Card of the Week and Obscure Pokémon Fact before you go.

Yes, I know this is not the beach on Cinnabar Island.

Card of the Week

From Surfing Pikachu has appeared in the game five times so far. The first instance, illustrated by Toshinao Aoki, was originally released as a promo card in 2001 and then made its expansion debut in Platinum—Rising Rivals in 2009. The card’s popularity led it to once again be reprinted in the XY—Evolutions expansion in 2016.

Ace note: Ash wears a shirt inspired by this card’s design in the Season 22 anime episode “Battling the Beast Within!”

Obscure Pokémon Fact (from u/Mx_Toniy_4869)

Until next time,
Cooltrainer “the only thing I’m catching is a tan” Ace